Adults can have speech or language problems which began in childhood, or which started after an illness or injury.
Adult speech-language and myofunctional therapy with a speech-language pathologist (SLP) includes evaluation and treatment of adult communication disorders, including speech, language, cognitive communication, social communication, pragmatics, auditory processing, and Augmented/Alternative communication devices (AAC devices).
Laryngitis, incorrect speaking technique, vocal cord lesions, and vocal cord paralysis are the most common voice disorders.
For adults, inflamed, paralyzed, or abnormal vocal cords which don’t function correctly may result in a voice disorder. Symptoms include a hoarse or weak voice.
Please note that a medical evaluation and referral by an Ear, Nose and Throat MD, a Pulmonologist or an Asthma MD is necessary prior to receiving treatment for this disorder from a Speech Language Pathologist.